KOPFKINO is an embodiment in movement, in constant mutation. It’s a rite of passage that places us in a liminal dimension. A mirror that gives back an image which is grotesque and real at once.

Concept and direction: Mariona Naudin

Direction assistent: Laia Cabrera

Performers: Maria García Vera, Marina Colomina y Mariona Naudin.

Creation: María García Vera, Marina Colomina, Mar Medina, Laia Cabrera and

Mariona Naudin.

Light design: Maria Barrios Collvinent

With the support of: El GranerFestival Sâlmon, Festival Escena Poblenou, OSIC-Departament de Cultura y Antic Teatre. With the collaboration of La Poderosa espai de dansa.

Teaser 1

Teaser 2